Protect your farm against ASF
An outbreak of African Swine Fever on just one Danish pig farm will be catastrophic - economically and job-wise. It is therefore important that everyone working in Danish pig production are familiar with biosecurity regulations and guidelines - and how to keep Influenza infection out of the herd. This webinar will focus on both subjects, and participants will gain an insight into why as well as how we keep African Swine Fever out of the country. The primary target group are foreign employees, but anyone who needs a brush-up are welcome to join.
by Christian Fink Hansen, Sector Director, SEGES Svineproduktion
Brief introduction to virus
We cannot underestimate the importance of protecting Danish pig production against infection with African Swine Fever. Get a brief introduction to viruses that can infect animals and humans – the good, the bad and the ugly viruses.
by Kristian Møller, Director, SEGES Svineproduktion
Biosecurity in Danish pig production
Danish pig production has very high biosecurity standards and farmworkers are some of the most important players in maintaining these standards. Get updated on quarantine rules, personnel access, delivery facilities, health control and Influenza.
by Helena Houbak Kristiansen, Veterinarian, SEGES Svineproduktion
What is African Swine Fever? How did it spread? Learn about the terrifying killer virus that spread instantly from Africa to Europe and in the course of just a few decades has spread across Europe – not least due to human behavior.
by Lisbeth Harm Nielsen, Senior Specialist, Landbrug & Fødevarer
Facts on foodstuffs and food waste
Ignorance is the primary reason for African Swine Fever spreading across the continent. Why is this and what can you do to help prevent the disease from spreading further?
by Lisbeth Harm Nielsen, Senior Specialist, Landbrug & Fødevarer
"TjekVogn" and wash certificates
Live animal transports are one of the central elements in preventing the spread of ASF. "TjekVogn" can help you gatekeep your farm. Learn how to use "TjekVogn" to improve external biosecurity.
by Lisbeth Harm Nielsen, Senior Specialist, Landbrug & Fødevarer
Conclusion and thank you
by Kristian Møller, Director, SEGES Svineproduktion
Monday June 14, 2021 at 14.00-16.00
The webinar is free, but registration is required for participation.
Please send your questions to amc@seges.dk before June 10, so we can prepare in advance. You can also submit questions in the chat during the webinar.