Please, join us at this online webinar, where we will be presenting our Roadmap submitted on the 12th May for the Innovation Fund Denmark’s (IFD) Innomission III call. Our Roadmap is called ROADMAP FOR SUSTAINABLE TRANSFORMATION OF THE DANISH AGRI-FOOD SYSTEM (AgriFoodTure).
The process of making this roadmap was led by Aarhus University, Technical University of Denmark, University of Copenhagen and SEGES, but it has been a collaborative effort with contributions from more than 200 researchers from eight Danish universities, sector organisations and industries. All have given highly valuable input that enabled the writing of this roadmap. This has included several workshops, more than 150 topics at the offset and 450 pages of track descriptions. Industry, researchers, and organisations have been informed, involved, and consulted throughout the process to make sure that the roadmap truly represents the interests of all stakeholders.
In the Roadmap we have identified four major tracks, where efforts are needed within:
A) Future land use and management
B) Animal-based food production
C) Plant-based food production
D) Biotechnology-based food production and alternative protein sources
In addition, we have addressed cross cutting issues and governance. We envision that gaps, solutions and strongholds identified within and across these tracks will form a solid basis for the establishment of strong and dedicated partnerships allowing researchers, organisations, and companies to work together in the forthcoming Innomission process.
The final Roadmap is a very condensed version of all inputs, and the topic deserves a more thorough treatment. Therefore, we have also produced a longer white paper expanding each of the topics with additional details from the contributors, and we are very much looking forward to launch this white paper at the webinar.
If you have any questions regarding this webinar, please contact Lisbeth Henricksen, Executive Director of Innovation at SEGES on
Kind regards
The AgriFoodTure coordination team
Please note that this webinar is held in English