
The Piglet’s Journey - From Farrowing to Weaning – First webinar: Before the Farrowing

18. maj 2022 pattegris, Piglet, so, sow

The first webinar in ’The Piglet’s Journey - From Farrowing to Weaning’ you will learn what’s important for the sow before farrowing and what to do in the farrowing pen to prepare for the farrowing.

After the webinar you will know how to:

  • Get the farrowing section ready
  • Feed a high pregnant sow 
  • What to do 24 hours before the farrowing

Receive an e-mail before the next webinars

This is the first webinar out of four. If you sign up for this webinar, you will automatically receive an e-mail, before the following webinars.

May 24, 14-15: The Piglet’s Journey - From Farrowing to Weaning –
Second webinar: The Farrowing

June 8, 14-15: The Piglet’s Journey - From Farrowing to Weaning –
Third webinar: The Newborn Pig

Comming - The Piglet’s Journey - From Farrowing to Weaning -
Fourth webinar: Hernia