Tagget med pattegris


Teaser - Masterclass med Danni Sørensen -...

59 views 20. december 2022

Fuldt fokus på at sikre alle grise den bedste start på livet, har betydet døgnbemanding på...


Masterclass med Danni Sørensen -...

1.138 views 20. december 2022

Fuldt fokus på at sikre alle grise den bedste start på livet, har betydet døgnbemanding på...


The Piglet’s Journey - From Farrowing to...

241 views 9. november 2022

The fourth webinar in ’The Piglet’s Journey - From Farrowing to Weaning’ you will learn what is...


Webinar-teaser: The Piglet's Journey - The...

88 views 14. oktober 2022

If you want to know more about what to do to keep the piglet alive the first days after...


The Piglet's Journey - Danni Sørensen about...

102 views 19. september 2022

Danni Sørensen, pigproducer, talks about, how they manage the piglets in the farrowing section....


The Piglets Journey - Sign up for the webinars

81 views 26. august 2022

Over the summer SEGES Innovation will send a serie of webinars about the work in the farrowing...


The Piglets Journey - Sign up for the webinars

83 views 24. maj 2022

Over the summer SEGES Innovation will send a serie of webinars about the work in the farrowing...


The Piglet’s Journey - From Farrowing to...

433 views 18. maj 2022

The first webinar in ’The Piglet’s Journey - From Farrowing to Weaning’ you will learn what’s...


The Piglets Journey - Tilmeld dig webinar

74 views 17. maj 2022

Den næste måned (maj-juni 2022) afholder SEGES Innovation en webinarrække på engelsk om arbejdet...